2017 IS 300 Fsport Installed High Gloss Red Genuine Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel Larger Paddle Shifter Extension Covers
We have got picture(s) from one of our customers, Nissar who has recently bought and installed our High Gloss Red Genuine Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel Larger Paddle Shifter Extension Covers Compatible with Lexus Lexus RC IS NX CT. "
We have got picture(s) from one of our customers, Nissar who has recently bought and installed our High Gloss Red Genuine Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel Larger Paddle Shifter Extension Covers Compatible with Lexus Lexus RC IS NX CT.
Here's his/her feedback/comment:
Does it fit properly?:
Rate the installation difficulty (1-easiest, 5 hardest):
Love the product? (1-5):
Fits perfectly and looks amazing
This customer has also shared some nice picture(s), enjoy!