You can take a look at this LED interior package under Direct Fit LED Package
Recommended tools:
-Flathead screwdriver
First, take your flathead screwdriver and locate the edge on the left for the driver side map light (right edge for the passenger map light).
Please gently pop the lens cover off to avoid any damages to the locking clips.
Next, you will pull the standard T10 incandescent bulb out from the socket. Please be careful when removing the bulb if the light was left on. The T10 incandescent bulb does get extremely hot in a short period of time. If the map light was left on in door mode then please turn it off and wait a few minutes for the bulbs to cool down to avoid any injuries.
Now, take the 32-SMD LED Direct Fit panel for the map lights and plug it back into the factory T10 socket. Once you install the direct fit panel, you can turn on the map lights to see whether the direct fit LED panel is lit up. If it does not light up then remove the direct fit LED panel and rotate it 180 degrees to check for a polarity issue. If the problem still occurs then remove the bulbs and moves the connection pins outwards before reinstalling.
After you checked whether the panel is working, you can remove the double sided tape on the back of the direct fit LED panels to mount into the housing assembly. The direct fit LED panel is made to fit one way for the map light pieces.
Once you have installed both direct fit LED panels on each side, you can pop the lens covers back on by aligning the top to the back.
Now, for the side door pieces, it will be taking the 18-SMD direct fit panel. In order to remove the side door courtesy assembly, you would need the flathead screwdriver to pop the lens off from the right side. Like always, be gentle when removing the side door assembly to avoid damages.
Once the side door assembly is loose, there is a clear lens that can be removed from the corners. You can use your hands to unlock one side at a time.
Next, please be careful when removing the T10 bulb since it will be extremely hot. If you have a towel lying around then you can use that as a shield when removing the T10 incandescent bulb out.
Take the 18-SMD direct fit LED panel and mount it onto the clear lens between the 4 mounting clips. That is how it will provide clearance once you attach the clear lens back onto the assembly.
First, take the T10 connector adapter from the direct fit LED panel and plug it back into the socket. From here, you can take the clean lens piece, align it back to the assembly, and use slight force to lock the clips back into the assembly.